Gunsight Bridge

Gunsight Bridge

On November 1st, 2018, 1% for Open Space granted the Crested Butte Land Trust $10,000 to aid in the completion of the new suspension bridge at the intersection of the Lower Loop, Gunsight Pass Road and Slate River Road. The new suspension bridge differs from the original structure which rested on sets piers in the middle of the main river channel. The new bridge accommodates more recreational use, improvements to the riparian environment and wetlands surrounding the bridge and will allow for the Slate River to return to a more natural flow.

We felt that this project aligned with three aspects of our mission statement: improving and protecting wildlife habitat through restoring the surrounding wetlands, preserving the integrity of the watershed and ecosystem and improving recreational access to one of our most popular trail systems (also a 1% funded project), the Lower Loop. If you want to learn more about the Gunsight Bridge Replacement visit the Crested Butte Land Trust’s website



April 4, 2019

Gunsight Bridge Replacement