Kikel Parcel

Kikel Parcel

In 2007 and 2008, 1% for Open Space granted the Crested Butte Land Trust a total of $125,000 over the course of two years to preserve the 70 acre Kikel Parcel in the Slate River Valley. The parcel is located just above the winter trailhead on the north east side of Slate River Road overlooking Nicholson Lake. The acquisition of these 70 acres adds to a four mile stretch of preserved land in the Slate River Valley that the Crested Butte Land Trust has been working towards, creating a buffer between the Raggeds Wilderness and the development to the south.

1% for Open Space felt strongly in supporting this preservation effort because it aligns with many of our values. First and foremost it preserves 70 acres of open space visible from town. The Kikel Parcel is also an elk migration corridor, a trailhead for all seasons of recreational use and a grazing pasture for local ranchers. The preservation of this land was extremely important as 21 residential lots could have been sold within the parcel and the wildlife habitat, ranching benefits, viewsheds, recreational access, watershed integrity and elk migration corridor could have deteriorated. The preservation of the Kikel parcel was made possible by the Crested Butte Land Trust, Great Outdoors Colorado, The Town of Crested Butte, the Gunnison County Land Preservation Board, many private donors and of course, 1% for Open Space.


May 13, 2019